Part 2 : How to design your interior?

Should you follow trends at any cost?

12. It’s good to follow trends, but only if they are consistent with your concept! When we talk about interior design, and store design in particular, we often refer to trends. Our society is constantly searching for aesthetic codes and identity markers that reflect a given ethos. At its heart, a trend seeks to define new values intrinsic to a particular time period or group of individuals. Therefore, it is more than a simple fashion: it can be a platform for sharing your commitment to the environment.

How can I create a unique visual identity easily, at an affordable price?

13. Choose to reuse! You don’t necessarily need new furniture to display your goods and showcase the products you sell. By giving old furniture a new lease of life or repurposing salvaged materials, you can create inspiring and unique displays.

What labels should I look for to source high-quality, sustainable timber?

14. Choose objects made from wood treated with natural products and think local (Belgian or European)! Unlike plastic, steel or aluminium, wood comes from a renewable source. As such, it is generally considered a sustainable material. But even if it comes from a sustainably managed forest, a wooden object that has travelled thousands of kilometres has a larger environmental footprint than its “plastic” counterpart. It is therefore worth checking where the product was manufactured, if possible. Avoid exotic timber!

15. Look out for the right label, proving that the wood comes from sustainably managed forests!

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