Part 5: How to manage your energy expenses?

What are the essential rules?

51. There are four essential points to implement if you want to decrease your energy consumption.

  • Decrease your heating needs by improving the thermal aspects of the building (insulation of the walls, high-performance windows, managed ventilation, etc.);
  • Involve your staff so that they automatically do the right thing (turn off the lights when they aren't needed, avoid overheating the premises, avoid turning on the air conditioning or leaving the shop door open if the heating or air conditioning is on, etc.).
  • Install high-performance systems (heating, lighting, refrigeration, etc.) and service them frequently;
  • Set your production and circulating systems using thermostats and thermostatic valves for heating, dimmers and motion detectors for lighting, etc.

What should you do for your computers? 

52. Configure your computers with sleep mode and use portable computers with the “Energy Star” label (which certifies the energy efficiency of the products) rather than desktops.

 3. User LCD (liquid crystal) or AMOLED displays rather than (cathode ray) displays. LCD displays use less electricity.

54. Unplug the computers, night screens and all other devices operating simultaneously. They use energy when they are on. To facilitate this, install a power strip with a switch.

55. Consistently unplug unused chargers. They generate heat and, therefore, consume energy, even when they aren’t connected to the corresponding device.

What should you do for your printers?

56. Print two-sided and use A4 format when possible. You will save on paper and energy.

57. Scan as many documents as possible to decrease the number of printed pages.

58. Unplug the printer after using it (and at night) or install a timer on the power source. It uses energy even in sleep mode.

59. Have a printer for several users and unplug the ones that are little, or not, used.

60. Place the printer in a strategic location. This type of equipment generates a lot of heat, which can be nice in the wintertime, but unpleasant in the summer (while increasing the need for air conditioning).